
Legal Counselling

Taking appropriate precautions before legal problems arise is more advantageous for clients in many ways. With our expert team, we proactively manage your company’s legal risks and offer tailor-made solutions for a smooth operation and sustainable success.

  • beyaz tik Corporate

At Ankalex, we offer comprehensive business advisory services to meet your company’s legal needs and help you manage your business processes smoothly.

  • beyaz tik Contracts

At Ankalex, we provide legal support in drafting, reviewing and negotiating all kinds of contracts at national and international level, contributing to the safe and smooth progress of your activities.

  • beyaz tik Legal Opinion

At Ankalex, we provide you with comprehensive legal opinions and legal opinions prepared by our experienced and sectorally knowledgeable lawyers, providing you with customized solutions, enabling you to make informed decisions and minimize risks.


  • beyaz tik Managing Company Incorporation Processes: We provide all kinds of company incorporation services to our local and foreign clients in Türkiye and abroad in any language they need, especially in English and Russian. During the company incorporation process; we provide services in the areas of company incorporation, including the preparation of the articles of association of the company, the resolution of disputes and disagreements that may arise between the shareholders through alternative solutions, the preparation of company incorporation documents, submission to the relevant trade administrations and registration.
  • beyaz tik Drafting and Updating Articles of Association: We provide drafting services in accordance with the requirements of the company and the sector in which it operates, in compliance with the relevant country and Turkish law. We aim to minimize disputes in the field of company articles of association with the experience provided by our wide client portfolio operating in many different sectors. We also offer the services of adapting both the articles of association prepared by us and the articles of association already owned by the companies to the changing needs of the companies and the sector, and making the necessary amendments in accordance with the demands of the shareholders.
  • beyaz tik Board of Directors and General Assembly Consultancy: We provide the members of the board of directors of all kinds of companies, especially commercial companies and public joint stock companies, with the necessary training on their duties, powers and responsibilities, supervision of the compliance of the decisions of the board of directors with the commercial law legislation and capital markets law legislation, and management of lawsuits arising from the responsibility of the members of the board of directors. In addition, within the scope of the general assembly of the company; starting from the preparation processes for the general assembly meetings, we provide legal services for the call for the general assembly to be made in accordance with the procedure, the supervision and execution of the decisions that may be taken in the general assemblies in accordance with the law.
  • beyaz tik Contract Management: We provide services in the fields of drafting, amending and terminating national and international contracts, auditing the legal compliance and sectoral applicability of the prepared contracts with our expert solution partners in every language, especially in English and Russian, in every field that companies need, especially in commercial law, labor law, personal data protection law.
  • beyaz tik Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): We provide legal services in the management of mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs and liquidations that may occur between all kinds of companies nationally and internationally, balancing and equalizing the rights and interests arising from these processes.
  • beyaz tik Protection of Personal Data: Providing consultancy services on compliance with relevant legislation such as KVKK and GDPR, preparing privacy policies, conducting data protection impact assessments, managing data breaches and informing data subjects about their rights.


  • tick mark Preparation and Review of Contracts: We offer the services of drafting all kinds of contracts, especially in commercial law, law of obligations, labor law and all other fields, at national and international level according to the nature of the business, reviewing the contracts previously prepared and making the necessary changes in the contracts according to the needs of the parties, and determining the legal risks that the parties may face within the scope of the prepared contracts.
  • tick mark Contract Negotiations: We participate in the negotiations between the parties during the drafting and amendment of contracts, provide legal support to the parties, and provide a fair process by utilizing our extensive sectoral knowledge, especially in protecting the client's interests and minimizing the risk of disputes.
  • tick mark Contract Compliance Audit: We provide services in the field of auditing the compliance of existing contracts with current national and international legislation and European Union regulations, identifying possible risks that may arise from contracts and making the necessary changes and directions to minimize these risks.
  • tick mark Resolution of Contractual Disputes: We provide services in the field of mediation, alternative dispute resolution methods and litigation management of disputes arising from the breach of contracts already in force.

Legal Opinion

  • beyaz tik Legal Opinions and Reports: We provide comprehensive services on the problems and questions that our clients face, especially in the fields of commercial law, intercompany relations, international transactions, labor law, tax law, starting from the legal basis of the subject, scenarios that may occur, the most appropriate solution of the problems with sectoral knowledge, detailed legal analysis and identification of risks.
  • beyaz tik Monitoring and Notification of Regulatory Changes: We provide our clients with the services of monitoring all kinds of legislative changes that are directly related to their sectors, especially in the fields of commercial law and tax law, regularly monitoring the relevant judicial decisions and informing our clients on a weekly and monthly basis about how our clients will be affected by the changes.