

When you need strong legal support to protect your rights and achieve justice, Ankalex is at your side. With our experienced team of lawyers, we guide you through every stage of your case, defend your rights and work for you to achieve the best outcome.

  • beyaz tik Tax

Tax law is often a challenging area, especially given its complexity and ever-changing legislation. As Ankalex, we provide you with comprehensive support, protect your rights and offer strategic solutions to minimize your tax burden with our experienced tax lawyers who are committed to continuous development and strictly follow the legislation.

  • beyaz tik Administrative

Administrative lawsuits involve legal proceedings against the decisions of state institutions and can lead to various grievances. As Ankalex, we defend your rights with our experienced lawyers in administrative lawsuits and work to provide you with the best solution in your disputes regarding the actions taken by the administration.

  • beyaz tik Insurance

Insurance disputes can lead to unexpected victimization. At Ankalex, we are at your side with our expert lawyers in insurance litigation, defending your rights and working to provide you with the best solution in your disputes with insurance companies.

  • beyaz tik Commercial

The complexity of commercial life can lead to various legal disputes. At Ankalex, with our experienced commercial litigation lawyers, we protect the rights of your business, protect your commercial reputation and aim to ensure your business continuity by offering the most appropriate solutions.
In summary, within the scope of the legal services we provide in the field of commercial litigation; we ensure that your rights and interests are protected with preventive legal services before any commercial dispute arises, and if the dispute arises, starting from the mediation process, we ensure both the follow-up of the case and the fulfillment of the decision by applying to the legal remedies after the case is over.

  • beyaz tik Business

Disputes in employee-employer relations can be devastating for both employees and businesses. At Ankalex, with our lawyers specialized in labor lawsuits, we produce fair and fast solutions by considering the rights of employees and employers in a balanced manner and contribute to the establishment of labor peace.


  • beyaz tik Tax Audits and Objections to Tax Assessments: As a result of tax audits in almost every sector, especially in the fuel and iron and steel sectors, we provide legal services in the fields of filing and pursuing lawsuits against tax assessments and tax / penalty notices issued as a result of tax assessments and tax assessments made on the grounds that the taxpayers allegedly issued or used false documents or left their revenues unrecorded. As a result of our experienced tax lawyers' command of tax legislation and current judicial decisions, we provide differentiated services in lawsuits filed against notices and payment orders issued as a result of tax inspections.
  • beyaz tik Tax Refund Litigation: We provide legal services in the fields of execution of legal processes necessary for taxpayers to obtain tax refunds, refund of overpaid and improperly paid taxes, correction and complaint applications and follow-up of lawsuits arising from these processes, filing and follow-up of lawsuits in tax courts in order to obtain tax refunds and compensation for damages arising from unfair tax collection.
  • beyaz tik Defense in Tax Criminal Cases: Taxpayers usually face tax evasion crimes regulated in the Tax Procedure Law in parallel with these processes if they face assessments as a result of tax audits. In this process, which is usually carried out in parallel with the lawsuits filed against tax assessments, we provide legal services for the defense of clients facing criminal cases.
  • beyaz tik Disputes Arising from the Law on the Procedure for Collection of Public Receivables: In the event that a lawsuit is filed against the sequestration and precautionary attachment procedures frequently applied by the tax administration, especially the payment orders issued within the scope of the Law on the Procedure for Collection of Public Receivables, and in the event that the lawsuits filed are concluded, we provide support in returning before the administrative action by eliminating the grievances suffered by the clients as a result of sequestration and precautionary attachment.
  • beyaz tik Customs Disputes: Within the scope of Customs Law, which constitutes the backbone of international trade, we provide legal support to our clients in the processes of antidumping duty imposed by the customs administration in import and export processes, cancellation of customs fines imposed due to the customs position or incorrect data in the customs declaration, refund of Customs Duty and Value Added Tax over-accrued due to import surveillance practice, cancellation of taxes paid with reservation.
  • beyaz tik Certified Public Accountant and Sworn-in Certified Public Accountant Liability Cases: Within the scope of the financial consultancy services provided by CPAs and Certified Public Accountants, we provide support in the follow-up of tax lawsuits to be filed against payment orders and tax penalty notices issued on their behalf as joint and several liable for tax losses and criminal lawsuits in tax evasion crimes faced by CPAs.
  • beyaz tik Cancellation of Special Circumstances Procedures: We provide support in the field of cancellation of special basis transactions applied by the tax administration and special basis transactions in terms of VAT refund and general basis of taxpayers.
  • beyaz tik Liability of Legal Representatives and Partners: We provide support in the cancellation of tax notices and payment orders issued by the tax administration on behalf of the company's partner, representative or manager due to non-payment of public receivables of companies.
  • beyaz tik Resolution of Disputes Arising from Restructuring (Amnesty) Laws and Consultancy Service: We provide consultancy services for disputes arising from the implementation of the restructuring laws enacted for the restructuring of tax debts and the secondary legislation enacted on the basis of these laws, and for taxpayers to benefit from the restructuring laws.
  • beyaz tik Taxes and Similar Financial Obligations Collected by Municipalities: Refund of tax-like financial obligations collected unlawfully by municipalities, such as contribution to road expenditures and asphalt tax.


  • tick mark Disputes Arising from Administrative Actions: We provide legal services for resolving disputes regarding the legality of decisions taken or actions taken by public institutions, conducting legal struggle in this context, pursuing litigation, annulment of administrative actions, suspension of execution.
  • tick mark Compensation Lawsuits Against the Administration: Lawsuits filed against damages caused by the acts or omissions of public institutions include compensation claims. This process is carried out to compensate for material and moral damages caused by the wrongful acts of public officials, failures in public services and other administrative decisions. We provide legal support for legal processes such as lawsuits, negotiations with relevant administrative institutions, and litigation in administrative courts.
  • tick mark Cancellation of Administrative Sanctions and Penalties: In cases where you think that administrative sanctions or penalties imposed by public institutions are unfair, we carry out the necessary legal processes and follow up the lawsuits for the cancellation of the penalties and the evaluation of the legality of the sanctions.


  • beyaz tik Insurance Compensation Lawsuits: Material and non-pecuniary damages for bodily injury in traffic accidents, compensation for loss of value and damage to the vehicle in terms of material damages, application to insurance companies for insurance compensation for damages incurred in work accidents, health insurance and other types of insurance, negotiations with insurance companies, mediation, Insurance Arbitration Commission and litigation proceedings.
  • beyaz tik Disputes Arising from Insurance Contracts: Execution of insurance contracts, interpretation of insurance contracts, legal struggle and litigation against unfair practices of insurance companies after the occurrence of risk.
  • beyaz tik Insurance Premium Refund Lawsuits: Execution of legal processes and litigation proceedings for the refund of unjustified or overpaid insurance premiums, calculation of the amount of premiums, overseas borrowing and preparation of the overseas debt accrual chart.


  • tick mark Receivables Litigation: We provide legal services starting from the mediation process required for the collection of all kinds of receivables arising from invoices, contracts, checks or bonds, negotiable instruments, torts arising from commercial activities, the opening and follow-up of receivable lawsuits, and execution proceedings.
  • tick mark Breach of Contract Litigation: Resolution of disputes arising from all kinds of commercial contracts, especially contracts of work, commercial purchase and sale contracts, barter, agency, franchising, leasing, share transfer, assignment, business partnership contracts, collection of all kinds of receivables arising from breach of contract, termination or survival of the contract, execution of legal processes and litigation proceedings for taking the necessary protective measures to end the breach of contract.
  • tick mark Negotiable Instrument Litigation: We provide legal services for the resolution of all kinds of disputes arising from negotiable instruments such as bonds, checks or promissory notes regulated under the Turkish Commercial Code, pursuing the cancellation or loss of negotiable instruments, maintaining and concluding enforcement proceedings to be initiated for the collection of negotiable instruments, and protecting the debtor of negotiable instruments.
  • tick mark Corporate Law: We provide legal services in drafting company contracts, regulating legal relations between shareholders, drafting contracts and other legal documents required in cases of merger, spin-off or change of type, determining new shareholding situations, drafting articles of association and amendments to articles of association, registration before the relevant administrations and subsequent transactions.
  • tick mark Unfair Competition Litigation: Termination and prevention of acts constituting unfair competition that occur between companies or directed against any company, management and follow-up of litigation and enforcement proceedings for the collection of receivables arising from unfair competition, follow-up of lawsuits for the prohibition and refusal of infringement for the termination of unfair competition, application of precautionary measures when necessary, resolution of all kinds of disputes before the Competition Authority.
  • tick mark Trademark and Patent Infringement Litigation: Execution of legal proceedings in case of infringement of trademark and patent rights, compensation lawsuits, filing and follow-up of trademark and patent applications before Türkpatent, execution of legal proceedings necessary for the detection and termination of infringement in case of infringement of trademark and patent rights, and resorting to precautionary measures when necessary.
  • tick mark Capital Markets Law: We provide legal services for resolving disputes arising from capital markets regulations for companies subject to the Capital Markets Law and publicly traded companies. Our services include monitoring legislation published by the Capital Markets Board (CMB), ensuring compliance of capital markets companies with these regulations, overseeing public offering processes, drafting and registering articles of association and amendments with the relevant authorities, and handling lawsuits against administrative sanctions imposed by the CMB.
  • tick mark Precautionary Attachment and Precautionary Measures: We provide legal services for the protection of receivables, especially for the protection of receivables, for the protection of the current situation in cases where clients will lose their rights in case of delay, to secure a right or receivable, to take the necessary precautionary attachments and measures in a fast and effective manner to respond to the urgent needs of the clients, and to enforce the precautionary attachments and measures taken.
  • tick mark Bankruptcy and Concordat: We provide legal consultancy and representation services in bankruptcy and concordat processes.


  • beyaz tik Employee Compensation Lawsuits: We handle the legal processes and follow-up for the recovery of severance pay, notice pay, overtime wages, wages for working on national holidays, salary claims, and other employee receivables.
  • beyaz tik Dismissal Cases: We provide legal services for the review of the legal validity of dismissal procedures, reinstatement cases and compensation cases.
  • beyaz tik Mobbing and Discrimination Lawsuits: We provide legal services to protect the rights of employees who have been subjected to mobbing or discrimination in the workplace.
  • beyaz tik Work Accident Lawsuits: Determination of employer's liability in work accidents and follow-up of compensation cases.
  • beyaz tik Trade Union and Collective Bargaining Litigation: Protection of trade union rights, legal counseling in collective bargaining negotiations and litigation to resolve disputes arising from collective bargaining agreements.
  • beyaz tik Social Security Law Disputes: Law No. 5510 on Social Security and General Health Insurance Law and other social security legislation for the settlement of disputes arising from legal proceedings and litigation, service determination cases, cases related to SSI's premium receivables, cases related to death pension and cases related to old age pension.
  • beyaz tik Cases Involving Subcontractor - Principal Employer Relationship: Follow-up of lawsuits regarding disputes that may arise in the event of a lawful or unlawful principal employer - subcontractor (also known as subcontractor) relationship between employers in the event that the employee has more than one employer.
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