Clarification Text

Information on the Protection of Your Personal Data

Personal data held by Emre Burak Onat on behalf of Data Controller Ankalex Attorney Partnership (hereinafter referred to as “Ankalex”) are under the protection of Ankalex. Ankalex takes the necessary technical and administrative measures by using its technological and infrastructural facilities to ensure that personal data is securely stored and processed in accordance with the law within the framework of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”).

The personal data of Ankalex subscribers may be processed by Ankalex in accordance with the Law and the relevant legislation in the following cases. By reviewing the text below, you can obtain information about the personal data of our subscribers that may be processed by Ankalex in its capacity as data controller and the purposes of their processing, the persons to whom they are transferred, the method of collection and the legal reason and your rights regarding such personal data.

In this text, which we have prepared for information purposes, in order to cover all our subscribers, information on the personal data that may be processed, the purposes of their processing and the parties to whom personal data are transferred are included within the framework of transparency.


1) Subscriber Personal Data

Personal data means information that identifies or makes your identity identifiable. The personal data that may be processed by Ankalex are specified below:

  • Subscriber identification information (name, surname)
  • Subscriber contact information (e-mail address)

2) Method, Purpose and Legal Basis of Processing Personal Data

Subscriber personal data is collected digitally from the subscriber for the purposes listed in this section, by fully automatic, partially automatic or non-automatic methods, and processed in accordance with the legal reasons listed in Article 5 of the Law.

a) Provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or performance of a contract, it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract

Ankalex processes the personal data of the subscriber for the following purposes in order to fulfill the rights and obligations within the scope of the subscription relationship with the subscriber.

Processed data: Subscriber e-mail address

Purposes of processing: It is processed in order to deliver the newsletter requested by the subscriber within the scope of the subscription relationship.

b) Explicit consent of the subscriber

Ankalex processes the personal data of the subscriber for the following purposes with the explicit consent of the subscriber.

Processed data: Subscriber’s name and surname.

Processing purposes: It is processed in order to keep a record of the people who are sent newsletters within the scope of the subscription relationship.

3) Transfer of Personal Data

The personal data of the subscriber may be shared with domestic and foreign third parties in accordance with the legislation in the following ways. Within this framework, the principles in the relevant legislation, especially the principles of proportionality and proportionality, are taken into consideration in the transfer of the relevant personal data.

a) Explicit consent of the subscriber

Ankalex transfers the subscriber’s personal data for the following purposes with the subscriber’s explicit consent.

Transferred data: Name, Surname, Subscriber e-mail address.

Purposes of transfer: It is transferred for the purposes of maintaining the records of the persons to whom the newsletter will be sent within the scope of the subscription relationship and to be able to send newsletters to subscribers in bulk.

Transferred locations: It is transferred to Google (Google LLC) for the purpose of maintaining the records of the persons to whom the newsletter will be sent within the scope of the subscription relationship, and to Brevo ( for the purpose of sending newsletters to subscribers in bulk.

4) Special Categories of Personal Data

Within the framework of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, a person’s race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, membership to associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data are considered as sensitive personal data. Special categories of personal data of subscribers are not processed within the scope of the subscription relationship.

5) Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Personal Data

By applying to Ankalex under Article 11 of the Law,

  • Learn whether your personal data is being processed,
  • Request information if processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom it is transferred domestically or abroad,
  • To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
  • To request notification of the actions taken pursuant to your rights to rectification, deletion and destruction mentioned above to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
  • To object to the occurrence of a result against you by analyzing your processed personal data exclusively with automated systems,
  • You have the right to demand compensation for your damages in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

6) Communication

You may submit your requests regarding the implementation of the Law within the framework of Ankalex, its business and processes and your questions regarding your personal data in writing via [email protected]. In order to ensure a healthy response to your requests, it is recommended that the content of the request be clear, understandable and, if possible, dated.

Ankalex may amend this Clarification Text at any time.